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Times Square Outdoor Advertising Effectiveness - Marketplace & Competition

Times Square Outdoor Advertising Effectiveness

Watch video and READ instructions to run the model.;
This model is the presentation of simulation basis for outdoor advertising estimation in mediaplannig industry.
This example uses digital displays and street traffic of Times Square. Street traffic statistics was collected on Saturday 15th June 2013
with help of New York public webcams. Each digital display has it's own zone of visibility with 120 degrees of view angle.
These visibility zones accumulate own variables of audience when any peson or vehicle passes through them.
Also each display has it's own audience decreasing factors whichs depend on location and weather.
The end product of this model is audience "Opportunity To See" OTS, that is being updated every 10 minutes for every display.
*Additional media factors and calculations can be added.
Recommended allocated system parameters for model only at least: 1Gb RAM, Quad-Core Processor.
To run the model successfully it is recommended to download zip archive by the link below, unpack it and run TimesSquareAdvertismentEffectiveness.bat file.
Enjoy and don't forget to share the link!

The model was created with AnyLogic - simulation software / Mediaplanning

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