
Petri Nets - Other...

   231 runs

Added by AnyLogic

Application area: Academic

Simulation method: Agent Based

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Petri Nets

A simplistic AnyLogic implementation of timed Petri Nets and a small example of a net. Two AnyLogic active objects (Place and TimedTransition) are used to construct the network. You can associate a time delay with a transition firing. The implementation is "open source", so you can modify and extend it in any way you wish. The example Petri net is a model of cooperation between Producer and Consumer. The Producer prepares data and writes them to buffers. If there is no empty buffer, the Producer must wait. The Consumer reads the data supplied by the Producer. The semaphore ensures that only one process can work with the data at a time. After reading the data the Consumer returns the empty buffer.

The model was created with AnyLogic - simulation software / Academic

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