
SET - Sustainable Energy Transitions Dynamic Test Model - Ecosystem Dynamics

2020 runs

Added by Denes Csala

Application area: sustainable energy transitions, renewable energy

Simulation method: System Dynamics

SET - Sustainable Energy Transitions Dynamic Test Model

This model accompanies the article: A Framework for Defining Sustainable Energy Transitions: Principles, Dynamics, and Implications (

Visit the project website ( to learn more and access the advanced version of this model.

Parameter Setup:

[name, type, default: value] - description

[co2 cap on, checkbox, default: on] - Adjusts whether the fossil emissions are forcibly reduced to zero by the timeframe set by the slider (default: 2080)

[static epsilon, edit, default: 0.034] - Renewable energy investment ratio. Adjust this value to 0.015 or 0.00375 try the different scenarios discussed in the paper.

[modern renewable start time, edit, default: 2000] - Non-large scale hydro renewable energy deployment start time
renewable EROEI 0 [textbox, default: 20] - Starting energy return on energy investment value for modern renewables. This represents the average value of all technologies.

[renewable lifetime, edit, default: 20] - Average lifetime of modern renewables. This represents the average value of all technologies.

[renewable learning rate, slider, default: 0.07] - Average improvement rate of the EROEI of modern renewables per unit of power installed. This represents the average value of all technologies.

[renewable policy delay time , slider, default: 30] -This value represents time it takes for the changes to take effect. This represents the time it takes for the parameter epsilon to reach the value specified the edit box static epsilon, stating from the initial value of 0.00375. The diffusion take place following an S-curve.

The SET project is being developed by Sgouris Sgouridis and Denes Csala at Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi.
This online simulator has been developed by Denes Csala.

2014   |   Denes Csala   |

(requires JAVA – follow this official guide by ORACLE if you are experiencing problems)

The model was created with AnyLogic - simulation software / sustainable energy transitions, renewable energy

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